Wednesday, March 10, 2010


"Mark Raynes Roberts vision for Project HUMANITY is truly a project of hope,
 and joins many other voices in the quest for answers to the following question:
"Will genocide ever end?'
 I hope that the human touch of this endeavour, the sincerity of the artistic creator,
 and the attention of those who will visit the exhibition provide clearer answers to
 the question."

                                             Rafiki Ubaldo
                                             Rwandan Genocide Survivor
                                             Co-Founder, Post Genocide Education Fund
                                             Stockholm, Sweden

"Congratulations on this excellent artistic, historical and educational project!
 As a former educator and Holocaust survivor, I find your beautiful presentation
 profoundly meaningful and touching. Best wishes with this truly outstanding
 endeavour to promote and inspire the lofty goals of universal peace, social
 justice, understanding and tolerance."

                                                                               Helen Drazek Wajs
                                                                               Holocaust Survivor

"I am deeply impressed and moved by Mark Raynes Roberts' intellectual and
 compassionate understanding of the dark side of humanity and its potential for
 transcendence. His artistic vision is grand in scope as befits a topic of this 
 magnitude. As a child Holocaust survivor, I have always searched for ways
 to make the lesson's of genocide universal so that the atrocities committed in
 the past and still going on today will someday cease. I am confident Mark 
 Raynes Roberts installation will make a major contribution toward this end
 by leading us through education to the light."

                                                                     Renate Krakauer
                                                                     Author, Holocaust Memoir
                                                                     Holocaust Survivor

"Mark Raynes Roberts is a crystal sculptor and designer with an extraordinary vision.
 His Project HUMANITY - FROM THE DARK TO THE LIGHT speaks to humankind's
 deepest tragedies and is at the same time a moving affirmation of the human spirit."

                                                                                  The. Hon. Bob Rae, MP

"Project HUMANITY - FROM THE DARK TO THE LIGHT is indeed a very 
 powerful presentation and is a major historical and educational message 
 from Canada to the world. If the inhumanity throughout history is not well 
 understood, the capacity for history continually repeating itself is only too 

                    The Hon, R. Roy McMurtry, O. Ont, QC
                    Counsel, Gowlings LLP
                    Former Chief Justice and Attorney General of Ontario

"It is refreshing to see the match of art and social justice in this way."

                 William Thorsell, Director and CEO, Royal Ontario Museum

"Your concept for Project HUMANITY is ambitious and inspiring. The entire 
 world needs a greater understanding of diversity and acceptance of differences. 
 With the globalization of instant communications, Project HUMANITY has the 
 potential to influence children all over the world. If we start educating our 
 children now, hopefully within a generation we will have eradicated ignorance 
 and prejudice in all its forms."

                                                                  The Hon. J Trevor Eyton, O.C.

"I find that the power and strength of your presentation lies in its all encompassing 
 nature, embracing the issue of human rights in all their dimensions. I believe this 
 project has the potential to become emblematic in and of itself, beyond mission 
 statements, and value propositions, the visual testimony of your work is a poetic, 
 and evocative statement of the ideals that humanity needs to embody, express, 
 support and promote. Your work gives people the tangible visual expression of 
 purpose and value."

                                               Tom Smart, Executive Director and CEO
                                               McMichael Canadian Art Collection

"I know Mark Raynes Roberts remarkable work, and feel very fortunate to be the 
 recipient of such extraordinary sculpture's. Project HUMANITY - FROM THE DARK 
 TO THE LIGHT is a wonderful concept of inclusion and acceptance that demonstrates 
 how far humanity has come and gives us hope for the future."

                                           Rick Hansen
                                           President & CEO, Rick Hansen Foundation
                                           Man in Motion World Tour

"Project HUMANITY - FROM THE DARK TO THE LIGHT is visually astounding 
 and soulfully profound. Hatred is a viral emotion that requires cleansing of the 
 heart. This overwhelming crystal art takes us from a journey though the 
 darkness of hate into the cleansing by light. This is what makes it  so utterly 
 engaging and in the end so important as a learning experience."

                                                             Bernie Farber, Executive Officer
                                                             Canadian Jewish Congress

"Like all effective art this collection of sculptures promises to evoke a complex 
 multi-dimensional response from viewers and participants.The collection has 
 the potential to be a powerful educational tool - not only for a heightened 
 intellectual awareness of pressing international human rights issues, but more 
 importantly a sense of responsibility for individual agency."

                                     Carol Ann Reed, Ph.D
                                     Author, Equity Consultant, Human Rights Adviser
                                     Genocide Educator

"One only has to read the Golden Rule of world religions to realize precisely 
 how badly we humans have treated one another throughout the centuries of 
 time. Project HUMANITY - FROM THE DARK TO THE LIGHT is a brilliant
 expression in contrast not only of what has been, but also gives hope to the 
 possibility of what should be. Whatever drives the inspiration of Mark Raynes 
 Roberts, it is to the collective advantage of us all."

        Fr. Damian MacPherson, SA, President, Toronto Interfaith Council
        Director for Ecumenical and Interfaith Affairs Archdiocese Toronto

"It is appropriate that art is the medium through which we honour and 
 celebrate human rights, for it is art that transcends many of the artificial 
 barriers that supposedly disallow unity. Through the vision of this incredible 
 artist, we too can express hope for global understanding of every human 
 being as a person worthy of dignity, honour and respect."
                           The Rt. Rev'd Colin R. Johnson, Bishop of Toronto
                           Anglican Diocese of Toronto

"It is rare that a project both touches my heart and reflects aesthetic 
 sensibilities.You are clearly a brilliant artist and have chosen as a theme 
 perhaps the most important issue that will confront the 21st Century,
 man's inhumanity to man."

                                                               Michael A. Levine, Partner
                                                               Goodmans LLP

"Project HUMANITY - FROM THE DARK TO THE LIGHT is one of the 
 most unique and powerful projects I have yet encountered. Using the 
 brilliance of Mark Raynes Roberts crystal sculpture it has the potential to 
 move and educate literally millions of people to a greater understanding of
 human rights."

                                                     Ted Nation, President, Yield
                                                     Former CEO, J. Walter Thompson

"The depth of emotion your crystal sculpture evokes has always been 
 astonishing. Project HUMANITY - FROM THE DARK TO THE LIGHT takes it 
 to still another level. The subject is critical and evocative, and your idea's give it 
 both passion and permanence."

                         Jim Hayhurst, Former Chairman, Hayhurst Advertising
                         Co-Founder, Trails Youth Initiatives
                         Former Chairman, Outward Bound Canada

"Mark's vision for Project HUMANITY - FROM THE DARK TO THE LIGHT is truly
 a masterpiece for the world to embrace, and an initiative which can bring the
 world to Canada, and Canada to the world. It provides a unique opportunity
 for our country to engage the world again following the dramatic success of
 the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Games.

 Having spent a lifetime building a successful international luxury ice wine brand,
 I understand how important it is to develop an initiative of this scope which can reach
 the largest possible audience around the world."

 Mark is not only a master of his art, he is passionate and focused in his desire 
 to communicate the issues of man's inhumanity in a positive light. His intellectual 
 understanding and empathy for the subject, is matched by his energy to bring this 
 lifetime of work to reality."

                                            Donald Ziraldo, LLD, C.M
                                            Chairman, Vineland Research and Innovation Centre
                                            Co-Founder, Inniskillin Wines Inc.

"Having spent over 35 years in the audio visual, multi-media and world scale 
 special event productions, I recognize Project HUMANITY - FROM THE 
 DARK TO THE LIGHT as a unique expression that would appeal to worldwide 
 audiences of all ages. Mark stands alone in the world of crystal sculpture, 
 and his desire to capture the broad topic of Humanitarianism is timely, 
 desirable and indeed nescessary."

                                                              Allan Holman, Chairman
                                                              Holman Communications Inc.    


"Project HUMANITY - FROM THE DARK TO THE LIGHT is incredibly powerful 
 combining profound metaphorical crystal sculptures, with the multi-media 
 elements of film, video and music to create a truly unique and inspirational 
 mosaic, accessible to anyone, in any language, in any country in the world. 
 A gift to all HUMANITY."

                                                            Howard Rosen, MBA
                                                            President, Nova Motion Pictures Ltd

"Project HUMANITY - FROM THE DARK TO THE LIGHT has the ability to amend 
 and change the world: to penetrate the psyches of people of all creeds and challenge 
 them to re-shape their perceptions of each other. With a talented, committed team 
 on board, this project has no bounds! Your stunning vision, supported by the many 
 writers, thinkers and artists whom you cited is such a worthy and exciting project. 
 It's marvelous to just fly in your realm as you speak with such passion about the 
 realities of today's world and the hopes for tomorrow's.

                                                             Peter Jennings
                                                             Chairman, The Executive Group


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